Boydstun Carpenter Ant Extermination
Midland & Odessa, TX

Boydstun Carpenter Ant Extermination
Serving Midland & Odessa, TX
Why Choose Us?
- 70+ Years of Experience
- We Offer Same Day Service
- Expert Trained Technicians
- Evenings & Weekends
- Commercial & Residential
- We Guarantee Our Work
- Convenient Service Plans Offered
- Full Service Treatments & Exact Time Appointments
- Hassle - Free No Obligation Estimates & Quotes

How We Treat?
Once you are aware that you may have a carpenter ant infestation, you will probably want it gone fast! With a Boydstun treatment, you will see the issue come and go. We use a dual-domain approach when dealing with these guys, treating the inside and outside of your home. Inside: we will approach the problem from the viewpoint of where ants like to hide and search for food, using gels and dusting treatments in wall joists and around electrical outlets, room borders and moldings. Outside: we use sprays to defend your home and granulates near ant trails and outdoor colonies to get rid of the problem at its source. The best way for us to make sure the ants don't come back is to get to the queen. The queen could be located in a number of places, and our team knows where to look! Areas we have found the queen before include: in the attic under insulation, within sytrofoam casting on a hot tub, in wall voids and in trees.

Why Treat For Carpenter Ants?
Carpenter ants can be a major problem for home-owners and businesses alike. Wood surfaces make a great home for these buggers. The main concern here is that carpenter ants can lead to major structural damage, and even failure, if not dealt with quickly enough. Carpenter ants are known to create multiple colonies spread throughout a structure. Without treatment, a once small and treatable problem can turn into disaster. Ants are unpleasant to have around, especially if they can fly. But treating for this is necessary for protecting the investment you have made in your home or business.

Signs of Carpenter Ants

One major sign that you may have a carpenter ant problem is noticing holes in wood surfaces around your home and piles of sawdust. These guys love to bore into many types of wood, especially when the wood is moist and rotten. This gives the ants an easy way to create a new home for themselves. Carpenter ants also make for an annoying house pest, feasting on sugar sources, creeping into pantries and searching for other food. The main indicator that could mean you may have a carpenter ant colony in your home, as opposed to regular ants, is the size and body type of the ant population. Carpenter ants tend to be much larger than the common house ant, may have wings (the swarmers of the colony), and sharper facial structures which they use to chew through food (and wood). Carpenter ants are also nocturnal creatures, and are most active at dusk.
More Reasons to Choose Boydstun
Same Day & Emergency Services
Free Inspections & Phone Quotes
All Work Warrantied & Guaranteed
Green & Eco-Friendly Solutions
Family & Pet Friendly
Exact Time Appointments
Family Owned & Operated
Expert Trained Technicians
24 Hour Call Back Policy
70+ Years of Experience
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Residential & Commercial Services

(432) 897-4550
(432) 897-4550(432) 248-0085
(432) 248-0085